Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cinderella - as told by Sophie

This obsession with Cinderella is getting a bit worrisome. I think I could recite the Disney version of the movie verbatim, complete with choral interludes, as could everyone else in our family. Nothing pleases Sophie more than watching this piece of cinematic brilliance while changing clothes to fit the story line (there are set 'servant', 'Mark I ball gown', 'Mark II ballgown' and 'wedding' outfits) and singing / lip synching the words.

It was made in 1950 - seriously, it was! I think that's the only reason I allow it to be played so often. Olden days TV isn't bad, surely? The world wasn't corrupted by odd-looking Asian cartoon with scary white-circle-filled eyes, anyway, and that's good enough for me.

In addition to watching Cinderella, Soph loves a good old squabble over the correct Cinderella story. We have screeds of fairy tale books lying about here, and after requesting to be read one, she will proceed to interrupt, argue and demand that we revise the story to add in the bits that God (aka Walt Disney) originally intended. Such as Lucifer the cat **snigger** and the heart-wrenching scene when the sisters strip Cindy of her precious pink gown and baubles just before they leave for the ball, leaving her a sobbing wreck in the garden.

Today, following our current focus on retelling stories and events in order, Sophie and I made a book of the 'correct' version of the story. She dictated and I wrote, furiously trying to keep up with her ramblings. She has a wonderful grasp of the language of stories, and needed few (if any) prompts for detail. She is very proud of her efforts, although she demanded a bit of assistance with the illustrations.

She has an odd habit of swapping hands when she writes or draws something on the left side of the page, which results in left eyes and limbs always looking strange. She won't be persuaded, so I guess I just have to wait for her to figure out that she isn't wired that way and adopt right-handed status like the rest of her family instead of playing at trendy ambidexterity.

Anyway, here 'tis!

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