On the off-chance that anyone actually cares, I thought I'd start a blog sharing our journey towards a simpler, more sustainable existence. Since having children, we've turned a turned a tad green. It began with cloth nappies, and a dabble into vege gardening. We have now found ourselves living on 9.5 acres of North Canterbury paradise, full of good intentions but very little else!
The house flew up in a couple of months, and all that remains to be done is the painting. And carpet. And drapes. Oh, and a few minor electrical bits and pieces. Soon to be embarked upon is the mother of all decks, to take advantage of the north-facing views and do that indoor-outdoor flow thingamee that everyone talks about. The lawn has grown like a thing possessed, thanks to scattering half a sack of rye grass seed a few weeks ago and some great weather. Keeping that mowed is going to be fun.
In the next few months, we'll be planting 20-30 fruit trees along our grey water irrigation lines. We haven't entirely decided what, but with that number, I'm sure we can have a few of everything and see what survives the brutal Canterbury frosts. The vege garden will be started shortly too, with just a handful of winter brassicas at this stage. This weekend, Steve whacked up the first of our compost bins - it's a definite relief having somewhere to put food scraps other than the bin, especially with no rubbish collection out here and Cust being Blowfly heaven. Ick.
It feels a bit ridiculous having all of this land and no animals, but until Barry the brain-injured cat moves back with us after a year with my parents, that's the way it will be for a while. Spring will bring some pet lambs for the kids, and chooks are high on the agenda, but that involves building a chook house, which involves NOT doing something else. I could always whack something up myself, but I somehow feel that my efforts won't be appreciated by my perfectionist husband... We'd like some bobby calves next year too - we have a freezer to fill